Saturday, October 9, 2010

Second Chances

Do you believe in second chances? I do! If I didn't then there would be no hope, no reason to get up in the morning, no reason to try. I make mistakes just like everybody else, maybe even more :) but I often remember the quote from one of my favorite movies, Anne of Green Gables. "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet". I truly believe this. So I'm going to give this blog yet another chance, and see what happens.

I've recently cut off all contact with an ex that I thought was going to come back in my life. I thought he was the perfect match for me, and in many ways he was. I know that he wasn't in it 100% though and I was so it was very disappointing on my part. I am hoping that by vocalizing my thoughts and emotions I will be able to get through yet another break up in my life. The last one took me 6 months!! It IS amazing how much you can learn though from being in a relationship. I wouldn't trade in the experiences I've had for anything. Even though my heart is in pieces right now, I know that over time it will mend itself and I have hope that something better will come along. In honor of this I'd like to post a song and introduce to you Zooey Deschanel, from the band She & Him. She has an amazing voice and is a great actress as well. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. I love She and Him! Why did we never talk about this?! Good to talk to you tonight. : ) Love you.
