I LOVE Zumba!!! I went this morning and I can't think of a better way to start the day. For those who don't know, Zumba is a dance fitness program combining latin and international music with dance in an effort to make exercise fun. Depending on the instructor it incorporates salsa, kick boxing, samba, merengue, and hip hop moves. Music is the key ingredient to this class! The specific beats and tempo changes transition the workout from toning, to strengthening and also cardio. Thus, targeting every major muscle group in the body. Here's a clip that will give you an idea of what it is:
Wahoo!! doesn't it look fun?? Yes there is a lot of booty shaking. But if I can do it, ANYBODY can do it!! This workout not only makes you sweat a lot, but it gives you confidence in yourself and your body. Don't hide in the corner, celebrate!! Celebrate who you are, and be happy about it! It is the best workout that I've discovered! with racquetball coming in a close 2nd place. You can look for videos of Zumba in stores, or find them online or try it on youtube. OR try and find a local class, I strongly recommend the last one, it is a lot more fun in a class setting and don't worry about people watching you, they are all too worried about themselves to watch you. Try it!!! you won't be disappointed!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Going new places!
Saturday I went on a date. It was nice to spend an evening with a new acquaintance, who possessed refreshing ideas and a unique perspective on life. We met at the trailhead of Salt Lake City's popular hiking destination, Ensign Peak. Just up past the Capital, we hiked half a mile up a maintained dirt trail to see an incredibly inspiring view of the Salt Lake Valley. I was in awe! We timed it right around sunset and the sight was breathtaking. My date brought his dog, Bear, along. She, that's right its a female, was so excited and social. I love animals! I love watching them interact with people. Dogs especially can be so happy over such little things. I confess I also am easily entertained by small things, but I lack the stamina or energy.
After the hike, we went to dinner at a "Ma & Pop" restaurant which used to be found only in Bountiful, but there is now a location in Holladay as well. The restaurant is called Robintino's and it is DELICIOUS!! If you're ever in the area give it a try. Lastly we went to the movie "Secretariat". It is based on a true story of a race horse. I posted the trailer below. It was a little slow moving and cheesy but there was also a quality about it that made it interesting and humorous at times. Watching this movie made me love horses even more. They are such beautiful and amazing creatures!!! I don't understand how anybody could NOT like a horse??
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Second Chances
Do you believe in second chances? I do! If I didn't then there would be no hope, no reason to get up in the morning, no reason to try. I make mistakes just like everybody else, maybe even more :) but I often remember the quote from one of my favorite movies, Anne of Green Gables. "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet". I truly believe this. So I'm going to give this blog yet another chance, and see what happens.
I've recently cut off all contact with an ex that I thought was going to come back in my life. I thought he was the perfect match for me, and in many ways he was. I know that he wasn't in it 100% though and I was so it was very disappointing on my part. I am hoping that by vocalizing my thoughts and emotions I will be able to get through yet another break up in my life. The last one took me 6 months!! It IS amazing how much you can learn though from being in a relationship. I wouldn't trade in the experiences I've had for anything. Even though my heart is in pieces right now, I know that over time it will mend itself and I have hope that something better will come along. In honor of this I'd like to post a song and introduce to you Zooey Deschanel, from the band She & Him. She has an amazing voice and is a great actress as well. Enjoy!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
New start!!

So I just discovered that I have a blog. I was feeling very ambitious at the time I started this blog, and I must have gotten distracted and forgot about it. I get distracted very easily :) Anyways, I am going to try and start up this blog again. I hope it goes well, if any of you have any suggestions on how to do a blog, please feel free to tell me! I will take all the help I can get! Its late now and I have work early tomorrow so I am going to end here. But I do want to add that I am excited to start my blog and I look forward to the challenge!!
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